Wiston Churchill said “To every man there comes that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a special thing unique to him and fitted to his special talent. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour”.
Is this a normal year for you? Or is it different as it should be? Does it always take something outside of our control to put us back in control? The proven answer is yes. My question is why? Are all the changes within the market place trying to tell you something that you’ve forgotten? Are these uncertain times trying to remind you of the power that allows you to see the meaning of your life? Or are these just confusing times and somebody’s else problem. Do we just brush these times off as something that will not really change our lives? I believe that times like these come only once or twice in a lifetime at a level that forces you to pay attention. If you embrace the lessons learned during times like these and make your new choices a part of your daily habits, you could save all the things that matter in life before it’s too late. Now is the time to be good, not average. Good people always appreciate what they have before they lose it; average people can only appreciate what they have after they lose it.
We all have a choice in the way we live our lives. But many times, you don’t discover whether your choices make a good life or an average one until the moment when a situation seems to find a voice and taps you in the shoulder. The problem isn’t that you couldn’t hear and see; it’s that you wouldn’t listen and understand. The real question is why is this happening now? Is it a wake up call that you have asked or hoped for because of the direction you’ve gone in your life? I believe it is! Be thankful that it has called on you, because if you are truly thankful during these uncertain times, you will be reminded of the meaning that you truly have in life.
Let’s be honest…..why has this finally happened? Is it because you have lost control or have doubts? No, it is because you realize you are not totally in control and you need help. At that moment, you realize that the things that don’t matter really don’t matter anymore. What matters most is doing the right thing. Nothing changes until you change, and once you change, your life become different for you and those depending on you. I clearly understand that what is going on in the economy today has affected us all. The key is not to be angry about things like a 401(k) (I call mine 101(k) today!).
Security is important, but the Good Life is more important. I truly believe things happen for a reason, and my hope and prayer is that everyone find within their heart to find the purpose and meaning of their lives and move forward living the good live, Doing the Right Thing. I have learned through these times that life is too short not to be happy, and life is too long not to be successful.
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